Hello IPRC members!
We need more members to volunteer and sign up to serve as Net control stations (NCS) for our upcoming weekly nets. If you have not hosted a weekly net yet, I strongly encourage that you give it a try. The net control script makes it very easy, as net control you get to choose the weekly discussion topic, and it’s really quite a lot of fun. It’s also a great way to improve your skill at passing information and traffic, and running the radio while reading ad writing. Something that is crucial in emergency communications and event support.
Please take a look at the IPRC Weekly Net Sign-up Sheet, and sign up to host a few nets this month and next year. Please also sign up to serve as backup net control station for a few nets as well. This means that you will not host the net, but that you will be available to do so should the host be unable to.
Thank you for your help with this, and 73!