Thanks to everyone who attended the January 28 meeting. We have several events coming up this year, including:
- LARCFest on April 5. We will have a club display table.
- Field June 28-29. We are discussing several site options, including one RV park in Nederland.
- Ned Gravel in July
- Ned Ned in September
- Hamcon Colorado in Grand Junction 10/23 – 10/26
- W0NED foxhunt? We have access to equipment for a foxhunt in the mountains.
It was decided to keep our board as elected in 2024.
Club Member Presentations
We are always looking for member presentations (ham radio related or not). If you have a topic, please contact anyone on the board.
Community Center Demolition
The tower was taken down on 12/7/24 and Jesse has the parts. Rob is going to talk to the Mines club and see if they are interested.
See photos here:
We still need to get equipment out of the community center. Matt will work to dispose of the computers, but we still need 1/2 day to remove everything else.
Club Dues
Thanks to everyone who stepped up and remitted their dues. If you would like to keep your membership active, please take a look at the “Membership” page here.
Club Merchandise
See a separate post to get your cool W0NED bling! Wouldn’t that be fun to have at Field Day?
Rob’s IEEE Conference
Rob gave us a presentation on his visit to the IEEE conference.