Hello IPRC folks,
Just a reminder that our IPRC weekly net will be held tonight at 1900 hours (7:00 PM mountain time). I will be net control this evening, and I have a plan to have a little fun with it.
We will be running the net on the AirLink repeater (details here – https://indianpeaksradioclub.org/net.html) as per usual, but I am going to be operating from at or near the proposed WØNED repeater site, up at the MRS. I will be operating a radio with crossband repeat function between the AirLink repeater, and our WØNED repeater INPUT frequency (443.550 MHz) simplex. So in addition to being able to get into the net through the normal AirLink VHF frequencies, you will also be able to find out what your signal, propagation, and path is like to the future WØNED repeater, in as realistic a scenario as possible.
So get your UHF and dual band radio(s) programmed and ready to talk on 443.550 MHz, FM simplex, with no PL tone, and let’s have some fun. Be aware that if you are using a radio with automatic repeater shift (ARS), you will need to disable that feature, so that you are both transmitting and receiving on 443.550. The crossband “repeater” I am running will take care of the rest. I would recommend that you start out and check in on the normal VHF AirLink frequency pair, and then try your hand at getting in on 443.550 when called by net control during the traffic portion of the net.
Please do try to participate in the net and try to make contact via our repeater frequency if you are able, as this will give us a great idea as to how good our repeater coverage will be from the site. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
“See” you on the air tonight!